25 January, 2025
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Counselling Schedule
February 25
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) : Counselling Schedule of
Common Courses of BSG/BCOMG/BSCG/BAM
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) :
Practical Schedule of BZYCL 138 & BPCHL 138 courses of BSC programme (Starting from 09.02.2025)
January 25
48056 (Faculty of Social Science, BHU, Varanasi) :
Practical counselling schedule of MPCE 14/24//34 (MAPC) (Starting from 27.01.2025)
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) :
MSCAST Practical Schedule (Starting from 27.01.2025)
48056 (Faculty of Social Science, BHU, Varanasi) :
Practical counselling schedule of MPCL-007 of MAPC programme (Starting from 21.01.2025)
2708 (U P College, Varanasi)
Psychology courses practical schedule of BAG & BAPCH programme (Starting from 23.01.2025)
48003P (Deptt of Dairy & Food Technology, BHU, Varanasi) :
Practical counselling schedule of MSCDFSM programme
(Starting from 12.01.2025)
48003P (Deptt of Dairy & Food Technology, BHU, Varanasi) :
Practical counselling schedule of MSCFSQM/PGDFSQM programme (Starting from 12.01.2025)
48003P (Deptt of Dairy & Food Technology, BHU, Varanasi)
Practical counselling schedule of DDT programme (Starting from 12.01.2025)
Centralized Counselling :
Online Counselling Schedule of MAAUD (Starting from 06.01.2025)
2708 (U P College, Varanasi)
BSCG practical schedule (BBYEL-142 & BCHEL-142) (Starting from 08.01.2025)
2703 (ADC Prayagraj)
BAG/BAPCH Practical Counselling Schedule of Psychology courses (Starting from 10.01.2025)
2703 (ADC Prayagraj)
MSc (Geography) practical counselling schedule (Starting from 11.01.2025)
2708 (U P College, Varanasi)
BLI 224 & BLIE 229 (BLIS Programme) practical schedule of SC-2708 (Starting from 06.01.2025)
December 24
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) :
Revised Practical Counselling Schedule of MSCZOO (MZOL - 002) (Starting from 25.12.2024)
48056 Faculty of Social Science, BHU, Varanasi :
Online counselling schedule of PGDMH programme (Starting from 06.12.2024)
Online counselling schedule of BHIC 133 & BHIC 134 (Starting from 02.12.2024)
November 24
Centralized Counselling -
Online counselling schedule of Certificate in Vedic Ganit programme (CVG)
(Starting from 12.11.2024) [11.11.2024]
Centralized Counselling -
Online counselling schedule of Certificate in Bhartiya Kalganga programme (CBKG)
(Starting from 06.11.2024) [04.11.2024]
48012 (Microtek College of Mgmt, Varanasi) -
Practical counselling schedule of MCA/BCA/PGDCA programmes
(Starting from 05.11.2024) [04.11.2024]
48012 (Microtek College of Mgmt, Varanasi) -
Offline counselling schedule of MCA/BCA/PGDCA programmes
(Starting from 10.11.2024) [04.11.2024]
2703 (ADC, Prayagraj) -
Offline counselling schedule of various IGNOU programmes
(Starting from 04.11.2024) [29.10.2024]
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) -
Practical Schedule of BSCG programme
(Starting from 09.11.2024) [25.10.2024]
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) -
Offline counselling schedule of BSCM programme
(Starting from 10.11.2024) [25.10.2024]
October 24
48003P (Deptt of Dairy & Food Technology, BHU, Varanasi) -
Practical Exam Schedule of COF programme courses
(Starting from 20.10.2024) [14.10.2024]
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) -
Online counselling schedule of COF programme
(Starting from 14.10.2024) [08.10.2024]
2703 (ADC, Prayagraj) -
Counselling Schedule of varioius programmes
(Starting from 19.10.2024) [08.10.2024]
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) -
MSC (Zoology) practical schedule
(Starting from 08.10.2024) [02.10.2024]
48022 (Arya Mahila PG College, Varanasi) -
CBS online counselling schedule
(Starting from 04.10.2024) [01.10.2024]
27109 (Faculty of Education, BHU, Kamachha, Varanasi) -
BEd first year Workshop Schedule
(Starting from 02.10.2024) [26.09.2024]
September 24
48003P (Deptt of Dairy & Food Technology, BHU, Varanasi) -
BAPI 01 (COF) practical schedule
(Starting from 29.09.2024) [23.09.2024]
48003P (Deptt of Dairy & Food Technology, BHU, Varanasi) -
BAPI 02 & 03 (COF) practical schedule
(Starting from 21.09.2024) [13.09.2024]
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) -
Reschedule of practical of BGGCL 134 from 14.09.24 to 24.09.24
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) - BLIS counselling schedule
(Starting from 15.09.20240 [12.09.2024]
2708 (U P College, Varanasi) - BLIS Practical Schedule of BLI 224 & BLIE 229
(Starting from 14.09.2024) [12.09.2024]
48056 (FOSS, BHU, Varanasi)
- MAPC-2nd year practical counselling schedule ( Starting from 11.09.2024)
2708 (U P College, Varanasi)
- BAG/BCOMG/BSCG (Course BEVAE 181) Counselling Schedule
(Starting from 08.09.2024) [06.09.2024]
2708 (U P College, Varanasi
) - MPS Counselling Schedule (Starting from 08.09.2024)
2708 (U P College, Varanasi)
- PGDT Counselling Schedule (Starting from 08.09.2024)
2737 (MDPG College, Pratapgarh)
- Practical Counselling schedule of MSCENV programme (Starting from 11.09.2024)
2708 (U P College, Varanasi)
BSCG (BCHCL 138 & BGGCL 134) practical counselling schedule (Starting from 06.09.2024)
August 24
Revised counselling schedule of BSCG and BAPCH at SC-2708 (U P College, Varanasi)
MSc (Chemistry) practical class of 25.08.2024 (Sunday) at SC-48048 will be suspended due to the UP Police Examination
Revise counselling schedule of BSCG and BAPCH programme at SC-2708 (U P College, Varanasi) due to UP Police Examination
Practical examination schedule of MSCFSQM/PGDFSQM at 48003P from 25.08.2024
Practical examination schedule of DDT programme at 48003P from 01.09.2024
MSc (Chemistry) practical counselling schedule of SC-48048 starting from 18.08.2024
Psychology courses (BAG/BAPCH) practical counselling cum exam schedule of SC-2708 (Starting from 12.08.2024)
Practical Schedule of BSCG (BPHEL 144 & BZYEL 142) programme of SC-2708 from 06.08.2024
Psychology and Geology courses practical counselling schedule of Bachelor programme at SC-48028 from 07.08.2024
Practical Schedule of PGDAST programme at SC-2708 (Starting from 06.08.2024)
BSCG practical counselling cum examination schedule of SC-48028 (Starting from 07.08.2024)
Practical counselling schedule of MPCL 007 of MAPC programme by SC-48056 (Starting from 07.08.2024)
Psychology courses practical exam schedule of BA/BAPCH & MAPC Programme (Starting from 01.08.2024)
July 24
Schedule for Online Workshop-2 for B.Ed students by SC-27109 (Starting from 19.07.2024)
MSCGG Counselling Schedule at 2703
DDT & PGDFSQM practical Schedule of PSC 48003P (Starting from 14.07.2024) (
Online practical counselling schedule of MSCDFSM programme of PSC 48003P (Starting from 08.07.2024)
BSCG (First year courses) practical schedule of SC-2708 (Starting from 06.07.2024)
June 24
BSCG Practical schedule of SC-2708 (Starting from 06.06.2024 )
May 24
Online Counselling Schedule of MA in Hindu Studies (MAHN) (Nodal RC) (Starting from 24.05.2024)
Online counselling schedule of BAG/BAM (BSOC 131, 132) (Starting from 18.05.2024)
Practical examination schedule of MAPC programme at SC-48056
Practical counselling of MAPC 2nd year courses at 48056 (Starting from 13.05.2024)
Centralized online counselling schedule of CVG programme (Starting from 09.05.2024)
Practical counselling schedule of CIT/CITOL (Starting from 05.05.2024)
Counselling schedule of SC-48044 (Darul Uloom, Bhadohi) (Starting from 05.05.2024)
Practical counselling schedule of BSCG programme at SC-2708 (Starting from 08.05.2024)
Online counseling schedule of BCA, MCA_NEW & MAJMC/PGJMC programme at SC-48012 (Starting from 01.05.2024)
Offline theory counselling schedule of BCA & MCA_NEW programme (Starting from 01.05.2024)
Practical counselling schedule of BCA, PGDCA_NEW & MCA_NEW at SC-48012 (Starting from 01.05.2024)
Counselling schedule of study centre 2703 (ADC Prayagraj) (Starting from 04.05.2024)
DTH Workshop at Convention Centre, IGNOU HQrs, New Delhi from 15.05.2024 to 24.05.2024
April 24
Online counselling schedule of BHIC-133 & 134 (BAG/BAM) courses (Starting from 29.04.2024)
Online counselling schedule of CIT/CITOL programme (Starting from 27.04.2024)
BSCG Practical counselling and examination schedule of SC-48028 (Starting from 22.04.2024)
Counselling schedule of MCA_NEW and BCA programme of SC-48012 (Starting from 15.04.2024) (
Online counselling schedule of COF programme starting from 12.04.2024
Practical counselling schedule of MCA_NEW and BCA programme of SC-48012 (Microtek, Varanasi) (Starting from 12.04.2024)
Online Counselling Schedule of CBS programme at SC-48022 (Starting from 12.04.2024)
Counselling schedule of SC-2703 (MARD, PGDRD & MSO) (Starting from 07.04.2024)
Counselling schedule of SC-2703 (Allahabad Degree College, Prayagraj) (Starting from 06.04.2024)
DNHE and DECE conselling schedule of SC-48022 (Starting from 07.04.2024)
BSCG practical counseling schedule of SC-2708 (Starting from 07.04.2024)
March 24
Practical Counselling Schedule of PSC 2777P (MCA_NEW, PGDCA_NEW & BCA) (Starting from 16-03-2024)
Counselling Schedule of 48044 Bhadohi
Online counselling MAJY and MASK programs of July 2023 session learners organized by RC Jammu (Strating from 09.03.2024)
Counselling Schedule of DNHE & DECE programme of SC-48022 (Starting from 03.03.2024)
BLIS Practical Schedule of BLI 224 & BLIE 229 of SC-2708 (Starting from 03.03.2024)
February 24
BLIS Online Internship Schedule of SC-2708 to be held on 24.02.2024
Re-schedule of practical counselling of 18.02.2024 of SC-2708
MAPC (MPCL 007) Practical counselling schedule of SC-48056 (Starting from 15.02.2024)
Postponement of BSCG practical counselling on 11.02.2024 at U P College, Varanasi
Postponement of counseling session on 11.02.2024 of U P College, Varanasi.
Counselling Schedule of SC-48044 (Darul Uloom Habibia Rizvia, Gopiganj)
BSCG Practical Counselling of SC-2708 (Starting from 02.02.2024)
Offline Counselling of MPS programme of SC-2708 (Starting from 04.02.2024)
Offline Counselling of MSO programme of SC-2708 (Starting from 04.02.2024)
Offline Counselling of MHD programme of SC-2708 (Starting from 04.02.2024)
Offline Counselling of BLIS programme of SC-2708 (Starting from 04.02.2024)
Offline Counselling of Common courses of BAG, BSCG & BCOMG programme at SC-2708 (Starting from 04.02.2024)
BAG & BAPCH Practical examination schedule of SC-2703 (Starting from 05.02.2024)
MAPC Practical examination schedule of SC-2703 (Starting from 01.02.2024)
January 24
BAPI 01, 02 & 03 practical examination schedule starting from 27.01.2024
BSc (Biochemistry) (BSCBCH) practical schedule of SC-48028 starting from 29.01.2024
Online Counselling Schedule of PGSKT programme
COF (BAPI-001 & 003) Practical Counselling Schedule at SC-48003P (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi) - Starting from 11.01.2024. (09.01.2024)
COF (BAPI-002) Practical Counselling Schedule at SC-48003P (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi) - Starting from 07.01.2024.
Counseling Schedule - 2023
Counseling Schedule - 2022
Counseling Schedule - 2021